Memory Home

Shanghai Jinmei Care for the Elderly established Memory Homes to support the city’s growing elderly population. It is a community-based space where social workers provide those with dementia and their families with professional support. These homes also provide educational programs, preventive activities, cognitive function assessments, and support for caregivers.
QR Code Jell Nail Stickers for People with Dementia

Each year, thousands of people living with dementia wander off, becoming disoriented and unable to find their way home. Japanese authorities received more than 17,000 such missing person reports in 2020. To solve this problem, ORANGE LINKS created a small, waterproof sticker that is affixed to a fingernail and includes a personalized QR code.
“Dementia Eyes”—Experiencing Dementia through AR

Dementia Eyes uses an augmented reality (AR) filter to reproduce the visual difficulties experienced by people with dementia, such as poor depth perception. Unlike VR, which creates a virtual space, AR lets users experience the effects in their real surroundings.
VR Dementia

Using virtual reality (VR) technology and a trained facilitator, this program allows caregivers, nurses, family members, and the general public to experience the symptoms of dementia from a first-hand perspective, experiencing the emotions brought about due to the symptoms and the interactions with the people nearby.
“Taiseikai-Style” Care to Improve Problematic Behaviors Associated with Dementia and Let People Live True to Themselves

The Taiseikai Group, a medical corporation in Japan, has been committed since 2002 to protecting the dignity and health of people with dementia through “Taisekei Style” care—using zero physical restraints in their facilities and instead combining care content and supportive methods to alleviate behavioral disorders associated with dementia.
Indonesia Elderly-Friendly Community Program—Community-Based Education for Older Adults and their Caregivers

The Indonesia Ramah Lansia (IRL) Foundation has been a leader in developing a range of community-based education programs for both older people and their caregivers with a focus on creating age-friendly communities. Their programs provide older people with the tools they need to live healthy, independent lives.
Winners of 1st Healthy Aging Prize for Asian Innovation (HAPI)

Learn about the winners of the 2020 Healthy Aging Prize for Asian Innovation.
KB Good Memory School—A Senior Center–Based Dementia Prevention Program

The KB Good Memory School is a research-based dementia prevention program offered at nearly 100 senior welfare centers across Korea. The program also enhances public awareness about dementia prevention.