Indonesia Elderly-Friendly Community Program—Community-Based Education for Older Adults and their Caregivers
The Indonesia Ramah Lansia (IRL) Foundation has been a leader in developing a range of community-based education programs for both older people and their caregivers with a focus on creating age-friendly communities. Their programs provide older people with the tools they need to live healthy, independent lives.
Buddy HomeCare: Community-Based Healthcare Management and Monitoring System
By leveraging smartphone technology with their community-based healthcare and monitoring system mobile app, Buddy HomeCare assists three target groups: older people with low incomes, older people with middle and high incomes, and youth with low incomes.
Preventing Stroke Recurrence through a Hospital–Local Government Partnership to Support Patient Self-Management
Komagane City, Japan, collaborates with Showa Inan General Hospital to prevent stroke recurrence in older patients. This year-long program starts at hospitalization and includes patient education, self-monitoring, and consultations. By focusing on mild stroke patients, recurrence rates dropped from 8% to 4.8%.
SmartPeep AI Elderly-Sitter System
By combining existing surveillance technology with AI, SmartPeep offers “care-oriented optical sensors” that provide proactive alerts, drawing the caregivers’ attention to anomalies that occur in a resident’s room or a common area of the facility.
Pioneering an Integrated Rehabilitation System and Human Resource Development to Improve Rehabilitation Services in Cambodia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, and Viet Nam
The world population is ageing at an unprecedentedly rapid pace and Southeast Asia is no exception. As populations age, the demand for long-term care rises, as older people more often suffer from chronic conditions that carry a higher risk of brain injury, which is one of the main reasons why people need long-term care including rehabilitation. This study assesses if Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Viet Nam are ready for the increasing demand for rehabilitation.
The Housing Complex as One Big Family
Grundtvig has created a small, multi-functional care facility within an existing housing complex in Japan, allowing residents to age in place and encouraging cross-generational exchanges and community revitalization.
Bright Eyes for Older People Program
Vietnam’s aging population faces vision loss, impacting their independence. The Vietnam Association of the Elderly launched “Bright Eyes for Older People” in 2012, providing free vision care to millions. This data-driven campaign, backed by partnerships, raised over $22.3 million.
forOldy Grandpa-Grandma Shop—Secondhand Medical Assistive Devices for Low-Income Elders
The Grandpa-Grandma Shop cleans the donated items, makes any necessary repairs, and makes them available for rent or sale. The initiative helps preserve the environment through the reuse of equipment and the income generated from the shop is used to promote activities to provide a better quality of life for seniors.
KB Good Memory School—A Senior Center–Based Dementia Prevention Program
The KB Good Memory School is a research-based dementia prevention program offered at nearly 100 senior welfare centers across Korea. The program also enhances public awareness about dementia prevention.
AHWIN Papers No. 1: Responding to the Needs of Older Persons During a Pandemic
COVID-19 has had a devastating impact on the older populations in many countries. The inaugural edition of a new policy brief series, the AHWIN Papers, draws on a panel discussion at a May 2020 webinar to explore what policy lessons can be learned from the experiences of the United States, Japan, and Malaysia during the COVID-19 pandemic to better protect older persons.