ERIA and JCIE are working under the auspices of AHWIN to carry out the Healthy Aging Prize for Asian Innovation (HAPI), to develop and maintain this website, and to carry out other related projects.

Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia
ERIA is an international organization based in Jakarta. Since its founding in 2008, it has been supporting the regional economic integration process among ASEAN member countries through its research. As the leading economic think tank in the region and the Sherpa institution for the East Asia and ASEAN Summit processes, ERIA’s research and policy recommendations have influenced the policymaking process in the region. ERIA conducts research under three pillars: (1) deepening economic integration; (2) narrowing development gaps; and (3) sustainable economic development. ERIA’s studies cover a wide range of areas such as trade and investment, human resource and infrastructure development, globalization, and energy issues. ERIA publishes books, reports, discussion papers, and policy briefs that present the key recommendations of its studies. In partnership with regional research institutes, ERIA regularly conducts capacity-building seminars and workshops for policymakers, administrators, researchers, and business managers of the CLMV countries (Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Viet Nam) and other developing areas in East Asia to strengthen the link between research and policymaking.
ERIA’s activities have largely focused on the promotion of the ASEAN Economic Community, which is one of the three pillars of ASEAN, but since 2017, ERIA has expanded its activities to cover the other two pillars as well, and especially the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community. In response to the launch of the Asia Health and Wellbeing Initiative (AHWIN), ERIA began carrying out research on population aging and long-term care in 2017. This research is expected to contribute to the policymaking processes of ASEAN member states where rapid population aging is projected to take place in the near future.

Japan Center for International Exchange (JCIE)
Founded in 1970, JCIE is a nonprofit and nonpartisan international affairs organization dedicated to strengthening Japan’s role in international networks of policy dialogue and cooperation. JCIE undertakes a wide range of programs of policy research, international dialogue, and exchange related to the themes of globalization, governance, and civil society. Since the late 1990s, it has been promoting policy studies and dialogues focused on human security issues, and since the early 2000s, JCIE has been a leader in policy research and dialogue in the health sector through its Global Health and Human Security Program, which seeks to develop a better understanding of the critical value of human security to global health and aims to explore ways for Japan to enhance its leadership role in global health over the long term and to build domestic and international support for such a role. As an extension of that work, in 2017 it began looking at the critical impact of aging on Japanese and other societies. Partnering with ERIA, it has launched a program on Healthy and Active Aging in Asia, which will work in close consultation with the government of Japan’s AHWIN initiative and will contribute to the promotion of bilateral and regional cooperation on aging-related challenges in Asia.