YoungHappy Plus—Online Community Platform to Enhance the Quality of Life for Urban Seniors

YoungHappy is a social enterprise providing in-person and digital solutions to promote social interaction, physical activity, and mental stimulation for urban elders. They create “Happy Spaces,” community hubs located in shopping malls, let members join their peers for art workshops, health talks, exercise classes, etc., while their “YoungHappy Plus” platform (via app or LINE), offers virtual classes on digital literacy, health, and more.
Ready Senior Project

The Ready Senior Project is an online platform that includes a learning space for gaining technology skills as well as health-related and caregiving skills. This university-based project seeks to empower older people to be economically self-reliant, have a good quality of life, and reduce the burden on healthcare systems as Thailand’s population continues to age.
MEDEE—Fostering Work Skills for Seniors in the Digital Era

In 2021, Chiang Mai University’s School of Lifelong Education launched the Multi-Generation Entrepreneur Development Education Ecosystem or “MEDEE.” MEDEE uses a Line-based online learning tool, combined with in-person teaching through a robust network of community organizations, to provide lifelong learning opportunities for older people. MEDEE offers courses that teach older people digital literacy skills and occupational skills to help them set up an online business and generate income. It also features courses on financial management and physical and mental health so that people can be self-reliant and fulfilled as they age.
Manoottangwai Intergenerational Online Media Campaign

Manoottangwai, a Thai online media platform, targets older people to create a positive mindset and help them achieve an active lifestyle, and it targets younger people to help them understand that post-retirement wellbeing.
Bangkok Metropolitan Administration Model of Preventive Long-Term Care

BMA is introducing the concept of preventative long-term care to Thai communities. The program aims to promote physical and mental wellbeing through locomotion training and “cognicise” in almost 70 community sites across Bangkok.
Health Promotion for Elderly in Northeastern Thailand Using Japan’s Self-Sustained Movement (SSM) Program

Hatachi Industry has worked in close collaboration with Thai partners to transfer their know-how for a preventative care system that can meet the needs of older Thai people. The program has been particularly effective at identifying and supporting frail older people who may soon require nursing care.
STRONG Program—A Collaborative Municipal-Community Model for Comprehensive Elderly Care

Bueng Yitho municipality uses a bottom-up grassroots approach to provide a continuum of care for older people with a wide range of needs in their community. Based on the success of their program at the local level, they have developed a framework for disseminating STRONG to other local governments in Thailand.
Buddy HomeCare: Community-Based Healthcare Management and Monitoring System

By leveraging smartphone technology with their community-based healthcare and monitoring system mobile app, Buddy HomeCare assists three target groups: older people with low incomes, older people with middle and high incomes, and youth with low incomes.
forOldy Grandpa-Grandma Shop—Secondhand Medical Assistive Devices for Low-Income Elders

The Grandpa-Grandma Shop cleans the donated items, makes any necessary repairs, and makes them available for rent or sale. The initiative helps preserve the environment through the reuse of equipment and the income generated from the shop is used to promote activities to provide a better quality of life for seniors.