Accompanying the Elderly to Face the COVID-19 Pandemic

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, IRL quickly developed a home visit program, which aimed to minimize COVID-10 transmission and meet the biological, psychological, and sociocultural needs of older people.
Capacity Building for Caregivers and Older Persons for Contactless Deliveries using Indoor Autonomous Robots during the COVID-19 Pandemic

During the COVID-19 pandemic, contactless delivery suddenly became a critical tool to limit the spread of the disease and facilitate social distancing. The Malaysian Research Institute on Ageing launched a program in 2020 to respond to this need, developing an autonomous robot that could make contactless deliveries in long-term care settings.
The Matsudo Project: A New Urban Model for Reducing the Need for Long-Term Care in the Post COVID-19 Era

The Matsudo Project offers free online Kayoinoba classes in response to the challenges of its aging population and the COVID-19 pandemic. These classes provide older people with opportunities to connect with each other and across generations and to become more confident to use technology in their everyday lives.