Memory Home

Shanghai Jinmei Care for the Elderly established Memory Homes to support the city’s growing elderly population. It is a community-based space where social workers provide those with dementia and their families with professional support. These homes also provide educational programs, preventive activities, cognitive function assessments, and support for caregivers.

WheeLog!—An Accessibility Map Application Created by Everyone

WheeLog!, an app for cellphones and computers, helps wheelchair users access barrier-free information about public spaces in Japan. It’s a crowdsourced map showing the actual routes taken by wheelchair users. The app aims to create an inclusive society by organizing city strolling events, where participants experience using a wheelchair.

The Intergenerational Self-Help Club (ISHC) Development Model

Since 2006, HelpAge International in Vietnam (HAIV) and local partners have piloted the ground-breaking Intergenerational Self-Help Club (ISHC) model—community-based organizations that promote healthy longevity through a range of inter-generational activities.

Bright Eyes for Older People Program

Vietnam’s aging population faces vision loss, impacting their independence. The Vietnam Association of the Elderly launched “Bright Eyes for Older People” in 2012, providing free vision care to millions. This data-driven campaign, backed by partnerships, raised over $22.3 million.