Community-Based Initiatives

Innovative, community-based approaches are being developed throughout Asia to address the challenges of aging, using new methods to keep seniors healthy and active and to provide care to those who they need it. Read how communities in Asia are tackling this issue in new ways.

Organization: Thye Hua Kwan Moral Charities and The Agency for Integrated Care
Location: Singapore
The Micro-Jobs Program lets healthy, active seniors assist frailer peers in their neighborhood through tasks such as meal delivery, medication reminders, or accompanying people to doctor’s appointments. The tasks are “bite-size,” so there is a low barrier to entry. Participants are trained and receive a modest allowance in return for the tasks. More importantly, they feel a sense of purpose and engagement with their community.
Organization: Institute for Community Care and Health Equity, Chung-Ang University; Summary A.I.; and Jeongeup City Public Health Center
Location: Jeoungeup City, Republic of Korea
CARE-Net is a digital platform that assists underserved rural communities by connecting health, welfare, long-term care, and medical care. By allowing inter-agency data-sharing and communication, experts can quickly identify a person’s needs and consult with others to resolve them. Village care managers (trained citizen health leaders) in each village help their neighbors navigate the system and advocate on their behalf.
Organization: Padyarescue Inc.
Location: Barangay Umanday, Philippines
Go Bike trains young volunteers to become community responders—“Go Bikers”—in times of emergencies and disasters. They use bicycles equipped with first-aid kits, medicine, blood pressure apparatus, random blood sugar checking kits, and disaster response equipment that they used to effectively respond to help those in their communities. Recognizing the value of these trained volunteers, the project expanded the following year to have the Go Bikers conduct a regular health monitoring program for older people called the “Ronda Kalusugan Program,” which includes blood pressure and blood sugar monitoring. This is designed to help hypertensive and diabetic patients in the community monitor their health and respond quickly if the person requires further attention.
Organization: Longzhen Senior Care
Location: Beijing, China
The Longzhen One-Stop Community Elderly Service Program in Beijing aids seniors aged 80 and above with various services. Liaisons and volunteers assist with tasks like meal delivery, medical supplies, and more, helping older adults maintain their independence. This initiative benefits over 1,500 seniors in the Jinsong region.
Organization: Odekake Rehabilitation Promotion Council
Location: Hakodate, Japan
Odekake (Outing) Rehabilitation is an original healthcare project mainly targeting older persons or those who require care and support. It combines the concept of “shopping, dining, and recreation” together with “activity, sports, and interaction” to create a comprehensive form of rehabilitation while also contributing to the local economy.
Organization: Health Department, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration
Location: Bangkok, Thailand
BMA is introducing the concept of preventative long-term care to Thai communities. The program aims to promote physical and mental wellbeing through locomotion training and “cognicise” in almost 70 community sites across Bangkok.
Organization: Bueng Yitho Municipality, Thap Ma Municipality, Thammasat University, Yugawara Municipality, and NOGEZAKA-GLOCAL
Location: Thailand
Bueng Yitho municipality uses a bottom-up grassroots approach to provide a continuum of care for older people with a wide range of needs in their community. Based on the success of their program at the local level, they have developed a framework for disseminating STRONG to other local governments in Thailand.
Organization: National Taiwan University Hospital, Yunlin Branch (NTUHYL)
Location: Taiwan
In Yunlin County, Taiwan, the "Houston Apollo Model" leverages telemedicine at community meal service sites to provide healthcare to older residents. This approach has improved health outcomes and medical resource utilization, addressing rural healthcare disparities.
Organization: Indonesia Ramah Lansia [Indonesia Friendly to The Older Adult] (IRL) West Java Chapter
Location: Indonesia
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, IRL quickly developed a home visit program, which aimed to minimize COVID-10 transmission and meet the biological, psychological, and sociocultural needs of older people.
Organization: HelpAge International in Vietnam (HAIV)
Location: Vietnam
Since 2006, HelpAge International in Vietnam (HAIV) and local partners have piloted the ground-breaking Intergenerational Self-Help Club (ISHC) model—community-based organizations that promote healthy longevity through a range of inter-generational activities.
Organization: Indonesia Ramah Lansia (IRL) Foundation
Location: Indonesia
The Indonesia Ramah Lansia (IRL) Foundation has been a leader in developing a range of community-based education programs for both older people and their caregivers with a focus on creating age-friendly communities. Their programs provide older people with the tools they need to live healthy, independent lives.
Location: Japan
Grundtvig has created a small, multi-functional care facility within an existing housing complex in Japan, allowing residents to age in place and encouraging cross-generational exchanges and community revitalization.
Organization: Help Without Frontiers Foundation; forOldy Project
Location: Thailand
The Grandpa-Grandma Shop cleans the donated items, makes any necessary repairs, and makes them available for rent or sale. The initiative helps preserve the environment through the reuse of equipment and the income generated from the shop is used to promote activities to provide a better quality of life for seniors.
Organization: Japan’s National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology
Location: Japan
The number of people with dementia in Japan is rapidly increasing as the country’s senior population grows. In 2012, Japan’s National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology (NCGG) began developing and testing a program called “cognicise," which combines physical and mental exercise, to prevent the decline of cognitive functions.

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